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  • Ok< i would like to inform you that my brother is joining, So there will be 2 users from this IP adress pugsrok, and my brother's name will most likely be Da Komrade.

    pugs :)
    I am curious about how to possibly get something set up for a small group called the '5160 club'. We meet your criteria of members and have a meeting the first of each month. I will bring it up with them if I could get some details to present and I have a pack of cards. Do we need to formally do something...submit a list or???? Here is a link to our web page that Michael Kemp, one of the knifemakers hosts for us.

    We might be able to get some of the folks from Oregon Knife Collectors Assoc. to come here too. I will try to work on that too if they would qualify. I would imagine you have heard of them.
    Hey Tracy, did You ever get the 50$ PP for the drill bits ? I may have sent them to wrong email ? I think my account got messed up because, I cancelled first payment ?? please let me know ..... Bubba
    Hey Tracy, Nice place you have here! I like what i see and will stick around/participate.
    Tracy, there has been a lot on KD reciently about sharpening and particularly on the Paper Wheels thread that I started.

    I really liked the visit you and I had about sharpening knives. I posted what I did on that thread. After a few responses and PMs I would like to see you post how you sharpen knives. On USAknifemaker under the norax belts you tell that you use them all but do not explain that they are being used for sharpening. Also how do you have the grinder set up? As much detail as possible would be good.
    Tracy, thanks. How do you like this new signature?
    BTW I just talked to Fred Rowe on the phone and yes, he has a $35.00 price which is just for the jig and the wedges and an allen wrench. $75.00 also gets the blade clamp and another allen wrench. He cuts the jig on a CNC Bridgeport so there is very little work but hand forges the clamp. So he has a lot more actual time in the clamp. I'm going to go see him on my way to New England.
    resent info . It was for some of the 2 " carbide fluted drill bits 2 ea . 1/8", 3/16", 1/4", I think it was 45$ plus shipping. later B.
    that link didn't show any drill bits. Send me the link via email to
    they don't make the blaze in small grit than 120. I keep asking them to but they won't.
    Tracy, I notice that the finest grit Blaze belt you carry is 120. Is there a reason for this? Is there a reason that we would not want to use finer grit Blaze belts or do they just not make them? If not I wonder why not? I have done a Google search for Blaze Belts and haven't come up with anywhere whith as much selection as you have.
    Wayne Coe
    Sunbright, Tennessee
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