

I may try a folder shortly. Any of you guys have a template or recommend a place where I can get plans to try this phase of knife building?
I may try a folder shortly. Any of you guys have a template or recommend a place where I can get plans to try this phase of knife building?
I'm about in the same position, slipjoints / folders are my next mountains to climb.
If you didn't see this posting a few days ago, it has a number of references for slipjoints, including Don Robinson's book. That posting and Don's book seem to be excellent sources of slipjoint construction. I also purchased Steve Culver's book "Slip-Joint Folder Design and Building". It kinda overlaps with Don's book, but also seems like good information.
I'll be anxious to see your work as it progresses.
I may try a folder shortly. Any of you guys have a template or recommend a place where I can get plans to try this phase of knife building?
What kind of folder are you thinking? Locking or non-locking, any preferance?
Probably non-locking to begin with but depends on level of complexity.?
Friction folders are about as easy as a folding knife gets. If you want to start there I posted a rough how to on those a couple of years ago. I still make them from time to time because I like them.
I bought a cheap friction folder on Amazon to copy. I actually wasn't expecting much for around $13, I liked it so much I never took it apart and made a molded sheath for it! I carry it most days!! LOL!!
After paying some dollars and getting cheap type of knife makes uncool and unreliable for me, Best way to develop and use reliable.