getting a little better


Well-Known Member
well heres another fibble attept at playing with leather, ill get there when im 80 and cant see the eye of the needle but i just cant bring myself to quit trying lol
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thanks guys just trying to get better with each one. the knife is one of my favs, i do in a couple diffrent configerations. this one olive wood and red liners.
thanks art, still would love to learn yours the one that locks the guard in with strap love that one
I don't see much wrong to criticize here. Bout the only thing is the stitching might be wandering a little up by the sheath mouth, aside from that it looks pretty good! You going to leave it natural or dye it?
natrural, just a little oil, ya the scribe i used wanderd off a little at the top was not happy about ot got to keep an eye on that. i also need to barnish better +get a tool to do the edges cant think of whats it called. details thats what im working on the knife is done then i get in a hurry to finish thats my #1 problem!!!