Band Aids

Curtiss Knives

KD Founding Member #1, Knifemaker
How many Band Aids are required per knife from start to finish? I'm on #4 right now and think I will get to 6. Just wondered if I am doing this right. Any help or advice is appreciated.
Short Bus
I don't keep band aids in my shop. Usually the cuts/injuries I get are too much for band aids anyway. Today I ran my left thumb into my band saw. Felt great. I wadded up some paper towel and then used electrical tape to hold it in place. Once I get the bleeding stopped, if it isn't too bad, I superglue it back together.

Works for me. So I guess the short answer for me is zero band aids per knife.

Definitely superglue! It doesn't hurt when you bump it on accident like so many cuts do when all you have on is band aid.
Super glue.

That's what we use in the ER folks. You can do it yourself, or pay your deductible and sit for 8 hours in the waiting room with people coughing in your face.


Pulled the bandsaw thing a few weeks ago with the right thumb and superglue saved me from stitches. It's mostly healed up but it's still hard to button a shirt and I'm a little nervous around my saw now.
Almost none, since I went fuul time and am getting a nights sleep(mostly) I am three years without injury in the shop. Jinx
Haven't you all heard of blood, sweat and tears? That adds character in your knives. We play with dangerous toys to make dangerous toys. a little blood letting is part of the ritual.

All kidding aside the shop is a dangerous place but we can keep injuries to a minimum by using caution and good work practices.

Larry's obvious by all the post that you ARE doing it right.

Wife said to say...between chuckles...we buy um in the Jumbo packs of assorted shapes and sizes. Never know where the next one will be. :~0
I've bleed at least once on each of the 5 knives I've made. Putting a drawer in my storage shelves just for bandaids. Gives them each a "personal" touch.

I probably made 25 or 30 knives before i finished one without bleeding somewhere in the process. Still do occasionally, and have used all of the above first aid methods. I like a combination of superglue and electric tape.
My dad used to keep stacks of Band-aids right next to the CAUTION: KNIVES ARE EXTREMELY SHARP signs on his tables at knife shows. They were there for, and used by, the customers who just had to find out for themselves!
My dad used to keep stacks of Band-aids right next to the CAUTION: KNIVES ARE EXTREMELY SHARP signs on his tables at knife shows. They were there for, and used by, the customers who just had to find out for themselves!

:haha: Some people just have to find out for themselves.