Curtiss Knives

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  • Hope you and the family are well. Are you going to be a Blade this year? Give me a call sometime.

    (864) 266-8188.


    Going to down load the CAD program tonight. Will see if it looks right when I draw it up. Thanks for everything. James
    Hey there! Robb ''asheville steel'' wanted us to help him change his avatar to the cowboy in his gallery, and the avatar of the blade on the paper to a gallery pic. We must not have enough powers to help him?
    Hey! jsut to let you know I've started on one with the Liners you cut out of that 3/16" stock. Shouldn't be long. but I have to get moved first.
    Hey, I just joined. Great forum, glad to be here. I posted a new avatar, and it won't come up. It looks like I have the option to view sigs/avatars/imgs checked in my User CP. I tried to refresh several times hoping to bring the avatar up, with no luck. Am I missing something?
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