LR Adkins
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  • "O'si'yo" (Hello) Larry, My first powwow of the season was postponed do to way too much rain. Most of the powwows I dance in are in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and occasionally Texas. I'm a "Southern Straight Dancer" and the Southern states are where my style of dancing is popular, so I'm usually down there. Plus, thats's where most of my relatives are. Things also depend alot on my work schedule cause I have to make that "travelin" money. I average about between 6-8 powwows a year.
    Glad to hear your shop is coming along. If everything goes right, I'll be dancing in a "Competition" Powwow, Memorial Day weekend, down South of here. I guess Willie Nelson is supposed to be the honorary "Grand Marshall" to kick this thing off. Well, I'll be talking to you later.
    Greetings, LR...It's been awhile. How are things in your world? I am patiently waiting for Powwow and fishing seasons to begin. I think I've seen enough snow this year. Drop me a line or two at my Message Area when you get some free time. Right now, I'm finishing up a new beaded and fringed sheath for my EDC "Scalper", my buddy Matt Lesniewski of ML Knives made for me a while back. I don't do a lot of beadwork anymore because my eyes aren't as young as they used to be, and focussing on those little seed beads is just too tough on them. "O' s'da su'noy'e Ugi'na'li" (Good Night Friend)
    O si' yo, U gi' na li'. Thanks for excepting me as a friend. I see by your language you are Cherokee. I started to learn my people's language but couldn't retain it because I had no one to talk to. I have followed the powwow trail for many years, have recently stopped due to health problems. Loved your N.A. gallery pics. I do N.A. crafts.
    Wa'do, U gi' na li'
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