Allow myself to introduce, myself.

Fletch Helical

Well-Known Member
Alright so I stole it from a movie but I couldn't think of anything witty at the moment.

I'm a newbie to the knife making world and currently in the works of making my first, thanks to the help a a forumite on BF. I was brought here from a post by Bruce Bump a little while back on BF about a giveaway.

I'm currently trying to get a feel for stock removal, although I did have the opportunity to get to Aldo's shop a week or 2 ago and got to spend some time trying forging. I decided to get into knife making because I am an avid archer and bow hunter and knife nut. I've gotten tired with having to sharpen my hunting knife after every 1 or 2 uses and decided instead of always looking for new knives that appeal to me, why not try and just make them myself. Since I'm just getting my feet wet I'm trying to soak up as much knowledge about this art as I can and I hope to learn from everyone here.
Hi Fletch, Good to see my advertising over on the BF worked. Welcome, stay awhile and come back often. We will be more than happy to answer any question you can come up with.