Search results

  1. Tooln

    Hot Shot or Evenheat which one

    I'm looking to upgrade to a 240 volt oven. So far I've narrowed it down to either a Hotshot or an Evenheat. Any suggestions pros or cons of either, or first hand experience. Thanks for your input
  2. Tooln

    Foil wrapped Stainless & Baby powder

    Yesterday I heat treated 2 14c28n blades. Both wrapped in 309 both in the same oven for the same amount of time. I lightly coats one blade with baby powder before putting it in the foil pouch. The bottom blade had the baby powder. Can't say one came out of the pouch easier but clean up will...
  3. Tooln

    What to charge for sharpening

    What do you guys charge to sharpen knives that you did not make? I've done a few for customers who have bought a knife from me and didn't charge for it. The other day a guy dropped of 12 to get sharpened and I'm having a hard time deciding what to charge. Is $5 per blade out of the question...
  4. Tooln

    Got me a new toy

    Well it's not really a toy but a new piece of equipment. A Paragon KM-14 heat treat oven. I heat treated my first batch of knives today. Since there is a learning curve I did 4 mini hunters made from 1095, with the price of stainless I didn't want to take a chance of messing that up. Got to...
  5. Tooln

    Tippmann Boss

    I figured this would be the best place to post this. I'm thinking of getting a Tippmann Boss. Anyone here have anything good or bad to say about them. Thanks
  6. Tooln

    Non Contact Pyrometer

    I am looking for a 2000+ degree Non contact Pyrometer. My current unit is only good to 600. Not looking to spend to much though.
  7. Tooln

    Tooln's Knife Gallery

    I've been making knives for about a year and a half now. I've made and sold 78 to date. Figured it was to cold to heat the shop today so I'm taking some time to learn this forum better. Figured to post up some of my builds. Here's the first knife I made and sold. It's made from 1095...
  8. Tooln

    New 2x72 grinder

    I have my new Reeder grinder up and running. Man this thing is great. Haven't had a chance to use it on a blade yet but I did bevel a piece of scrap. I can't believe how much time it cut from the old 1x30. I have used it for bolster material and a few other things. I just love it. I'd post...
  9. Tooln

    WTB 2x72 belt grinder

    I don't get around here often but I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I'm looking to get a 2x72 belt grinder. I'd like a quality unit, with variable speed, it can be new or used. My price range is under 2k. Please PM me if you can help. Thanks
  10. Tooln

    Tooln's first etch

    I've been waiting for a stencil so I can etch my blades. They came today and here are my first 2 attempts. The one on the right is my 2nd try and it turned out a lot better. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the same knife or a different one on my next stencil. This was done on a test blade.
  11. Tooln

    Tooln's 1st knife

    I've been working on my first knife. It's 1095 & not going to be anything fancy. I plan on an oak handle and a layer of kydex. Since this is all new and my space is limited, I'm making a firebrick forge. I have an old toaster oven for tempering that I'm putting a temp control on so I can run...
  12. Tooln

    Round or Square

    I'm new and still learning and researching. I don't get here as often as I should but do when I can. I'm hoping to get some insight from anyone who has some experience or an opinion. If I purchase or build a forge what internal shape would be best? From what I've learned so far if the body...
  13. Tooln

    Can this anvil be saved?

    I'm new here and wasn't really sure where to post this question. Mods please move if needed. I'm just getting started setting up for forging. One of the first items on my list is an anvil. I'm retired so funds are tight. A gal I use to work with has this laying in the shed. I haven't...
  14. Tooln

    Hello from Central Wisconsin

    I just joined a few days ago, so here's a little about myself. I was born and raised on a farm but found that wasn't for me. I did a stint in construction building barns and sheds, also spent some time in a fab shop before long entering a long career in the dairy/cheese/butter industry as a...