What's going on in your shop?

Finished this last night. This was an experiment on: heat treating, kirinite, mosaic pins, Inlay in the handle, a new brand of epoxy.

The blade and handles are handmade. The inlay was done on a cnc mill. The blade is 1/16 O1. This could be finished better but I am stopping here. I have others that I am behind on that warrant more attention. I used Scott Livesey's recipe for O1....excellent. This thing cuts real nice...sharpens easy.

One of my gripes on this forum is all the "soft" photos...not quite in focus. Now I know why...lol. I fought and fought to get decent pics and finally gave up on really sharp ones. The auto-focus doesn't seem to like little curvy shiny objects.

well, now on to the next one...

On the inlay I thought that yellow translucent epoxy resin would look nice. As you can see it looks terrible...lol. Another lesson learned....

Custom plunge line...or as I call it "grunge line"
This is as sharp as I could get this pic...sony cybershot...not the highest end camera...but then...I'm not the highest end photographer.
Hey guys...on photos. If I set the camera resolution at the highest setting...backed way off on the distance so the depth of field is better (everything sharp) and then cropped the pic real tight...I should get a much better pic? Trying that next time.
Ted nice knife. It looks very comfortable. Have you watched Ed Caffery's video on how to clean up a plunge line with a j weight belt? It saved me a whole lot of time while hand sanding.
I feel ya on the taking pictures. I built a light box and still can't take a descent picture to save my life. Until I figure that out shop pictures is all I am going to take. Having a crappy shop picture looks better then a crappy trying to be fancy picture.
"Having a crappy shop picture looks better then a crappy trying to be fancy picture."

Agree...doesn't look like a fail.lol. Just a quick snapshot.

I have not watched Ed's video. Thanks I will check it out. Just using a stop rather than a pencil mark would have helped that grunge line...lol. (I did make one for my son when he ground his blade.)

My wife takes good pics composition wise but I will have to build a light box etc. Also, a tripod will do wonders for any still shot.
A couple things I found that help is always use a tri-pod, and set the lens on macro.
I think phone pictures of knives are the absolute worse thing a person can do for knife photography.
Here's another one I finished up recently. AEB-L and York gum burl. Also got set up for cactus juice. Excited to see how this first batch goes.

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These are my fourth and fifth attempts. I still don't have a belt grinder but I think they are getting better. The blades are sanded to 2000 grit but I need to get a clean buffing wheel. The stone is polka dot agate and the walnut is from a scapped hat rack.
Ouch! Good thing the bone was in the way. Hopefully you didn't cut any tendons. That will make for faster healing and a timely return to the shop. Can I ask what happened?

As we all know if momma isn't happy no one is.
When we moved to our new house her bargain night stand broke so I decided to
Take a page from the classic book of if you don't have it make it.
Made her a new night stand and water proofed it.
Took a break from knives to get a jump on spring projects and the infamous "Honey Do" list. I also ran out of steel and had to constructively utilise my time while waiting on the new stock to show up. Lol

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Here's another one I finished up recently. AEB-L and York gum burl. Also got set up for cactus juice. Excited to see how this first batch goes.

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Josh, how did you get the subdued color on the AEB-L? I have a few requests for a knife that is dull/flat color but won't rust.

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Josh, how did you get the subdued color on the AEB-L? I have a few requests for a knife that is dull/flat color but won't rust.

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It's just etched in ferric. I use a pretty diluted mixture and let it soak for 24 hours or so. Seems to work the best for me.

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