I don’t see any discussion of online sales on ETSY which works for me. Actually I’ve only sold about 10 things there but there’s no hassle about weapons, the transfer to PayPal is fine, and the rates to display there are cheap. Like $.20 (twenty cents) for a few months for each item.
I also do consignment sales which is OK once you find a good seller. Like, I approach a new vendor with a handful of goods for show and tell with a suggested retail price. If they agree I have a simple form with the items listed and the retail prices. Then you return every couple of weeks or month to check inventory, restock, and get paid. This needs to be made clear, in writing at the get-go. This is heavily based on relationship, not faceless internet transactions.
In the consignments world expect to get 60-75% of your expected retail prices and only when the goods sell. In that arrangement you’re exposing yourself so you can keep things small until you really see how things go. I’ve got good vendors and have never been burnt. But, full disclosure, I’m retired, living in Mexico and doing knife work as a hobby. I’m selling at high end gringo stores here and bring a stash of work to my retailers in the US and they send checks when sales happen.