Trent Dawg in Da House!


Well-Known Member
Hey all!!

"An idea of who I am", huh?
That's kinda complex;)

Knife collector- Been collecting knives since I got my 1st Camillus Cub Scout knife at age 9. I like vintage fixed blades. I have recently gotten into collecting pocket knives and hatchets, as well. My favorite knife company is Western Cutlery, Boulder, Co. Member of and

Amateur Historian-My area of interest is The Southwest from 1690's-1890's Mostly Northern Mexico and Southern Colorado. I have a summer home in Conejos County, Colorado. My family has been in The Southwest since 1696.
My Great (7X) Grandfather was the 1st "knife trader" in Colorado. From his 1706 diary==>

I'm also pretty well read on The Mountain Man Era. Kit Carson, "Old" Bill Williams, Jim Bridger, Manuel Lisa, etc.

Economist-I got the economics bug my Jr. year in high school. My main area of interests the last few years has been behavioral economics, economics of crime, economic history, macro economics, and financial economics. Knife collecting is a joy to me because it mixes my 2 favorite subjects==> economics and history2thumbs

Photographer- I take pics with my trusty Canon G9. Here is a pic of and old grinder inside Santa Fe Stoneworks, Sante Fe, NM==>

(click on the pic to go to my knife pics on FLICKR)
I like macro shots and night shots.

Musician-I play a Les Paul and do a little singing. I also enjoy plunderphonics and music production/mixing.

Creative Writer-I like to "observe" society and write about it. Sometimes it is borderline rambling though, I admit it!:D

Amateur Political Scientist-Lately I have been interested in free markets, capitalism, and personal freedoms. I am a Republican Libertarian. Don't worry. I'll keep my political ramblings outta Knifedogs:cool:

Collector-I scour thrift shops, antique shops and estate sales. I buy and sell on EBAY. Sometimes I think it is a form of OCD :confused:. I found a $60,000 painting at a thrift shop for 69 bucks a few years ago. That is how I got my start. Found quite a few knife gems too.

I collect, among other things, art, vintage tools, books, hatchets, militaria, knives, and anything that is cool and vintage.

So what brings me to KnifeDogs? I want to start making knives someday. I have read books by Goddard, Boye and McCreight. I have alot of "knife buddies" on my Facebook page and they are always talking about So I decided to check it out. I hope to learn more about knifemaking.

I live in Santa Barbara,CA. I grew up in The East Bay. Go A's!!Work from home on my PC. My job is a mix of computer programming, database administration, finance and accounting. I know sounds REALLY exciting huh!!??:bud:
My favorite band is Tool.
My favorite book is 1984
I prefer leather handled knives over giraffe bone
I use the term fuller, not blood groove
I prefer Norlund over Gransfor
I LOVE cheap, Imperial knives
I have ONE smoking knife and ONE rooster nutter in my collection
I even have a Schrade sausage tester too!!
I have NO knives with metorite bolsters:(
My favorite mixed drink is Dr. Pepper and Jimmy Beam
I have no felonies on my record
Not married, and no kids (although there was this girl in Winslow, AZ one summer...)
I prefer Bon Scott over Brian Johnson
I drive a Toyota Tacoma and I have a 1984 Ford Bronco I am fixing up as my bug out vehicle....

A place to introduce yourself and give the rest of us an idea of who you are

Did I do ok for my 1st post guys??:beg: cool 1
You have me smiling. Yes you did great on your first post...nice introduction.

Welcome toKnife Dogs

That was actually a pretty good introduction. I feel like i know you just a little bit better.

Oh yeah, Welcome to Knife Dogs!
Welcome. The photograph of the tree is really spectacular.
The best part is the gallery I sold it at was RIGHT BELOW the tree2thumbs
It was a brilliant marketing technique that I kinda stumbled upon...hehehehhe

Thanks for the warm welcome all
I recognize a lot of names from the other knife forums I am on:)