Well, broke a vise. Apparently over-tightening it then trying to chisel in a groove with "not hot enough" steel, creates some stresses that a little cast iron vise is not meant to take
And Mapp/pro doesn't get this metal hot enough..
Unfortunately depending on someone else to do my tank exchanges so still waiting on having access of Oxy/Acet but I put an order on Amazon for a fire brick, so worst case I can use the propane or mapp with a simple one-brick forge setup. And after work, I will have to go see if I can spend another hundred bucks on a big vise.

Unfortunately depending on someone else to do my tank exchanges so still waiting on having access of Oxy/Acet but I put an order on Amazon for a fire brick, so worst case I can use the propane or mapp with a simple one-brick forge setup. And after work, I will have to go see if I can spend another hundred bucks on a big vise.