The 1st 'knife' I fashioned


The Knife Poet
Before this,I'd fashioned a few blades from steel:just little work knives.
This was my 1st effort at something that actually was nice to look at.
It's my rendition of a Gentleman's Desk Knife.
I used a Dremel to score the file,snapped the pieces off with my vice-grips,then began the sloooooow and drawn-out process of shaping it on an old Mastercraft electric water hone.
This was a 4-fold 1st Effort for me:
First file-knife
First time trying a hollow-grind
First dagger
First inlay.
Hand cut and filed-to-fit brass fittings from a big brass chunk I had kicking around
Cocobolo handles and hand-carved sheath
MOP inlay
(lousy camera I had back then,18 years ago)
*This is a newer version of the wet sharpener I used;mine is an old,single wheel model.






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yeah,something goofy is going on over there;it's taking ages for the pics to load,and some aren't!huh1
I'd say you did a heck of a job for all those firsts... you have a right to be proud..nice job.
Thanks Tracy.
I'll admit,I AM right tickled that it turned out like it did.:D
Only thing is,before I do any more file-knives,I'm gonna learn about annealing first!huh1:D
Thanks guys;
my daughter thought it was the most beautiful knife she'd ever seen
when I reconnected with her a couple years ago,
so for our 1st Christmas together in over 13 years,
that was her Christmas gift from me.
(and it's her First Knife,too!:D)
Wolf, Thats a awesome knife and you did a great job on it, You should be very proud of it.. And to be able to give it to your daughter makes it even that much sweeter! Congrats brotha! Thanks for sharing both the knife pics and the story!
Thanks folks!
Given the tools I had to fashion that lil' knife,I AM proud that it turned out
pretty good.
I sat down and figured it once,and I reckon I spent over 100 hours sitting in front of my old Mastercraft wet-sharpener shaping that wee blade,
then cutting,shaping,filing,sanding and polishing the brass fittings.
This is similar to what I used,except mine was an older,single wheel model,maybe cranked up to like,200 rpm?