Peening Bolsters

Johnny Roberts

Well-Known Member
I actually got to spend a good bit of today in my shop.

I am working on some stainless steel bolsters which is something that I have not done before.

After quite a bit of resarch, I am a bit confused about one point.

Can you just peen the bolsters or is some type of additional securing necessary?

Do you have to epoxy or solder the bolsters in addition to the peening?

What do some of the other Dogs here do?

I would like to avoid soldering if possible. Epoxy seems more like an additional step to keep water and debris out of the joint.

JB Weld supposedly leaves a grey line. If some additional securing is recommended, what do you think works best for you?

Many thanks in advance,


On another note - Are there any other Dogs here in Houston? It would be great to meet some others and share some ideas.
The few times I have done stainless bolsters, I used JB Wield. I never had a problem with a grey line.

All you are trying to do is seal out the moisture so it doesnt rust underneath.

3 pins seem to help things line up better than 2 if you have room. Good luck! :)