One legged fat man caught selling knives in public


Well-Known Member
My son caught this picture last saturday morning while walking with his girlfriend at the local farmers market. It seems there was this fat man with one leg sitting at a table selling knives right out in public!
The thing that bothers me the most about this picture is that it looks exactly like me
Oh the nerve of some folks !!!!! Bwaaa hahahaha

FWIW If I was gonna try that I'd have a banner made for knife sharpening While You Wait

Great pic and table of wares !

Take care !

The nerve of some people! Selling Dangerous weapons like that out in public!

I use to take my culinary knives with the blades still taped up to do the final hand sanding at the local Dog Park.
My pooch would get some exercise and I would get some work done and even sold a few that way from other people asking me what I was doing?

Some miss guided soul over hearing a conversation called the Animal control office to complaint that I was selling weapons/knives at the dog park and what where they going to do about it?

The Officer who answered the call was a customer of mine, and told me about the call later.

Oh, That's Laurence, He is there all the time and makes great kitchen knives, I have three of them and you might want to go talk with him? The man muttered something about the world going to H@ll in a hand basket and hung up!

Check out your local Dog Park!
KnifeDogs Rule!

What about the Children!!!! And you must be contributing to Global Warming as well!!!! Seriously, nice stuff
"Rooster Cogburn" was called a "one eyed fat man" and he came out on top. Hope you sold a few cause they sure are purty.
Good to see you out selling you passion.
That seems to be a good avenue to sell knives and make new customers.
Ha Ha that's too funny. We also have a weekly farmers market here...........might not be a bad idea at all!
I can only imagine the carbon footprint that fat guy is leaving with all those high carbon knives! Someone call the EPA and Al Gore quick!!


Congrats Eric, looks like you have a fine set up! You do have to share more pics of your blades though!
I do make my own sheaths and holsters...and anything else. I've had requests for gun belts, rifle slings and even womens purses. I had a guy bring me a wooden chest that was well over a 100 years old that had leather straps going all the way around, affixed with brads w/ buckles for closures that he wanted replaced. I advised him that it would loose its historical value and he didnt care...just wanted the new straps. It's amazing..I've had women come to me for sheaths for a knife their husband or boyfriend has but no sheath...I had a girl ask me to make her a carry bag for her little dog with a shoulder strap so she could carry her little dog around with her.
I actually like the farmers market. I have had the opportunity to talk with some very interesting people. Whats even more interesting is that a lot of the people I talk to arent even from my area. There are a lot of people who vacation in my neck of the woods because of all the lake area we have here...I guess.
Over here you need a license and all kinds of security and insurance to sell knives at all, and they are not allowed to be "suitable for combat".
Over here you need a license and all kinds of security and insurance to sell knives at all, and they are not allowed to be "suitable for combat".

And here I thought U.S laws were strict. I remember reading an article on kitchen knives requiring a rounded "point" in some UK restaurants and for a second I believed it to be an attempt at comedy. Sadly, by your comment it seems that it was on track.

Best of luck.

great looking knives and sheaths! I've kicked the idea of setting up shop out our farmers market in Dallas but never got around to it.

Best wishes,
Mike, pointed kitchen knives are in the process of bring banned. Any knife that is legal to carry under our knife laws is still illegal under our offensive weapons laws so you will probably be charged even for carrying a SAK.
Liam, Kitchen knives with points are going to be banned. I always thought that America was the land of the free.