On The Road To 2000.........With a giveaway

In for Wednesday #1 When I was 7 me and two of my friends were playing in a mud bog. We all got stuck and couldn't get out. I managed to get out and I was afraid to tell my Grandpa my friends were stuck because I didn't want to get switched. I left them there a hour or so until it was almost dark before I got the nerve to tell. Both my friends lost their good school shoes to the mud...and we all got our butts whipped!
Thanks for the opportunity Ernie.

One of my first knives was a SAK. If I didn't close that knife on my finger a couple of times....I swear. I'm kind of partial to liner/frame locks.......
I'm in for Wednesday too Ernie.

Interestingly enough...KnifeDogs is the BEST dang knife forum, man cave, friend finder on the world wide web! Glad you're on my friend list Ernie.

I havent finished but 3 knives but I have started about 30 alot have been ground and not heat treated,
Thanks Anthony
Oooh ooh! Something interesting about me...um...I was once on the roof of my building and the police were called 'cos they thought I was going to jump! ;P

I wasn't..honest!

Thanks for the chance!

Once I WAS going to jump, but no one called the police or even seemed to care!! I got so mad I decided to keep living just to irritate people. :p

In for Thursday please :)
In for Thursday.

When I was about 5 I decided my dog needed a swimming pool, so I spent all day digging a hole in the back yard. I started filling in with water and a short time later my Mom comes running out of the house.

Apparently I chose a spot right over the septic tank :what!:
Every toilet in the house was backing up :52:

She wasn't happy with the bill for reburying the tank.
Entering for Thursday August 12th design #1....something interesting about me.... I have a habit of buying perfectly good things like guns then taking them apart , only to spend years trying to restore them to "pre-me " condition
OK "Big",
I can't take it any more, I've got to get in on this one.
The most interesting thing about me is the people I have met on this site.
I personally feel like I'm teetering somewhere in between "Hall of Fame" and carnival side show, but I Love this place.
