New Forge


Well-Known Member
So I did a thing! Was cruzing local for sale paper. Someone was selling a House Made Apolo forge that was never built. They wanted $300 for it I talked um down to $250! It is missing the Burner but I had bought one a few months back to modify my big forge. I never did it because I was collecting all the bits and pieces for it! So I have everything for it now except the firebrick. Should be about $100 for that? I should be all in for about $450-500 working? Here the doors all bent up.


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I was not familiar with that forge - I found his website and YT video
(I'm sure you've watched it)

That's a nice looking forge - you going with a ribbon burner? I've always been interested in those, but use a standard blown burner in my forge. I've had venturi burners and they work good, but I do prefer my blown burner after using.

Keep us updated on your build - I enjoy watching DIY stuff.

Ken H>
I was not familiar with that forge - I found his website and YT video
(I'm sure you've watched it)

That's a nice looking forge - you going with a ribbon burner? I've always been interested in those, but use a standard blown burner in my forge. I've had venturi burners and they work good, but I do prefer my blown burner after using.

Keep us updated on your build - I enjoy watching DIY stuff.

Ken H>
Yeah I had already bought his Ribbon burner to use in a forge that has 2 venturie burners in it. I was gonna modify it to use his burner. It was gonna be difficult to do so I've been procrastinating on it. Then this showed up in a local for sale paper! I said the heck with it and just bought it. I need a few things for it but I have most of the difficult stuff (burner, ceramic blanket, most of the gas delivery stuff), need bricks and I have to decide how I want to mount/fixture it? That may be my biggest problem! LOL!!
Yeah I had already bought his Ribbon burner to use in a forge that has 2 venturie burners in it. I was gonna modify it to use his burner. It was gonna be difficult to do so I've been procrastinating on it. Then this showed up in a local for sale paper! I said the heck with it and just bought it. I need a few things for it but I have most of the difficult stuff (burner, ceramic blanket, most of the gas delivery stuff), need bricks and I have to decide how I want to mount/fixture it? That may be my biggest problem! LOL!!
Keep us upated
I forgot to add on the forge - be SURE to drill a hole in the side to insert a ceramic probe to check temps. I find that really helpful. Something like this to display temps:

Or perhaps this one:

It is a good idea to use a TC with large wire, perhaps #8 or so. It will last longer in the 2000°F heat of a forge
I forgot to add on the forge - be SURE to drill a hole in the side to insert a ceramic probe to check temps. I find that really helpful. Something like this to display temps:

Or perhaps this one:

It is a good idea to use a TC with large wire, perhaps #8 or so. It will last longer in the 2000°F heat of a forge
I actually think I have the same exact thermometer? I have a thermo-couple installed in a firebrick in my Mr Volcano forge and this hooked to it. House has an option to run the forge with a PID control. I have a friend that did this. It's overkill for my application though. He uses that option so he can heat treat I have a Paragon oven for that.
Poured the forge doors today. Easy enough to do just messy. Brian's got it down to a science! 80oz of refractory cement and 14.5oz of water measured by weight not volume. Vibrated with a Sawzall with no blade.


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Ears to hold ribbon burner in bent, drilled and tapped. Ordered my refractory bricks and the hard bricks for the forge floor. Have to pick them up Wednesday.


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Bought a HF tool stand and just set the Forge body on top to see how it would align/look. Fits the top almost perfect! Getting Firebricks Wednesday. Taking my time. Need some kind of casters and that will add some height to it. Would like to get it up to about 36" right now the top of the stand is at 29"


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Your forge is looking good. I'm for sure following along with the build to see the final product with the Ribbon burner going.

I use those HF tool stands a good bit - I've got maybe 5 or 6 of them around. The last one I purchased last week was the longer stand for $33 rather than the one with a square top for $50. I mounted the Grizzly 2X42 grinder on the tool stand.
Your forge is looking good. I'm for sure following along with the build to see the final product with the Ribbon burner going.

I use those HF tool stands a good bit - I've got maybe 5 or 6 of them around. The last one I purchased last week was the longer stand for $33 rather than the one with a square top for $50. I mounted the Grizzly 2X42 grinder on the tool stand.
Yeah, I like them, but I don't understand why that grinder stand is more money than the longer one? Got mine on sale for $29 and change. I still may change the stand for forge, but I needed to put it on something or forward progress was gonna stop. I've been trying to do a little something, something every day. Picking up Firebrick Wednesday. Then I can finish up the gas delivery stuff. I want to support the burner side of it somehow. Brian House doesn't do it on his, but I have a friend that broke his 3D printed reducer because of the fan weight?
$29? Wow, if they'll go on sale here for that I'll get another. A 3D printer reducer for the fan? I remember seeing that done - good idea, but the fan will need some support I'd think. A plastic printed object isn't all that strong.

I mounted my forge on this HF cart: - $40 isn't a bad price.

edit Jan 28 - Boy has that price increased: $80 now.

Here's how I mounted my forge, note the larger wheels on the cart, and wider axles for a tad more stability and makes it roll easier on grass. I store forge inside, roll outside for use.
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Drilled and tapped forge base so I could attach it to the Harbor Freight tool base. Need to cut or get shorter bolts but not a big deal. Also picked up Firebrick today we should hopefully be making more progress. Of course Christmas will throw a bit of a wrench in so probably won't be running until after the first of the year. I'll keep trying to do a little something everyday? But we will see?? LOL!


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With the Holidays finally coming to a close soon I hopefully will start putting this thing together! Need to get some casters and build the base for the tool stand it's gonna mount to! Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and that the coming New Year is better than 2024!
Added some 2x4 bracing. This is gonna serve multiple functions. Sturdy up the tool stand, give me a place to mount some casters and by doing this giving me a little more height. Just a tick under the 36" I wanted the top to be at.


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That's going to work nice - I don't expect the wood to be a problem - the rubber tires I've got on my cart haven't given any problem yet.
That's going to work nice - I don't expect the wood to be a problem - the rubber tires I've got on my cart haven't given any problem yet.
I agree that's why I did it. Was gonna use angle iron but more than likely would have used 2x4 to mount the casters I had. So figured I already have the wood use it.!
Well, I'm finally getting back on this project! Who was I kidding when I said I was gonna get one thing done a day! Between holidays, family and colds!! GEEEEZZZZZ! Anyway, gas portion for this more or less done. All dry fit need to assemble forge to make sure it all fits and finalize with sealer. Hopefully finish most of the paint today and cut the 2 fire bricks I have to cut. I did finish the base last week. Easy to put this thing together just a bunch of moving parts. Will all be worth it, though! Finally will have a good forge to work with!


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You are getting closer - Congrats. That ribbon burner is going to be great. I've always wanted to try one, but the standard old burner I've got works ok.
Most of the exterior painted with High Temp paint (shop is damp, so just a bit of rust preventing, sure it won't last?). Firebricks are all cut, too! Everything has to dry for a day. Winter in New England Cellar is cold so paint takes at least a day to dry to handle! Nothing will get done tomorrow due to appointments. But getting closer!!


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