Hello there,


New Member
My, name is Greg Scott 72 yrs.. I reside in western North Carolina. Been toying with knives only a few years. Started out trying to forge blades from all sorts of stuff ( files, auto springs, old axes, saw blades, anything that would go from red to white when heated. Developed serious nerve damage from hammering. Had to sell my forge and hammers. Now buy blanks sometimes reshape, repolish and then mount handle matl. Guess one could call it knife making definitely, handle making. Any way its fun.
Welcome to KD Greg, sorry the hammering bit you- glad to hear you are still making knives with blanks and having fun!
Welcome to knifedogs. Swinging that big hammer can get to a fellow if you do it long enough. Glad you didn't give up making knives. Look forward to seeing some of your knives. .Larry.