Hello from the Netherlands



I think i have arrived in a good and nice community of knife(making) enthousiasts.
I live in the Netherlands , and i am a knife user and collector for more than 35 years now.
best regards
Welcome, I am also a new member. I see you are from the Netherlands, do you know my friend and fellow collector Marcel Diericjk? He is from the Netherlands, a great guy and has a fantastic collection.

Welcome, I am also a new member. I see you are from the Netherlands, do you know my friend and fellow collector Marcel Diericjk? He is from the Netherlands, a great guy and has a fantastic collection.

Jon, Thank you for your welcome. Yes i know Marcel. a nice guy !:running dog:

regards from NL
Welcome,My Great Grandmother was from the Netherlands,although I never knew her,they say she was a very mean Lady.

God bless,Keith
Hello Wim,

Welcome! I'm Bert and my family is from the Netherlands. As a matter of fact my father is leaving for Holland this Friday. Were are orginally from Breda, we moved to the USA back in 1982 when I was about 12 years old. I would love to have my father look you up while he is there. We have a stabilization business and might have a lot in common.

Bert Bakker
Dutchman Stabilizers, LLC
Mitchell, IN
Hello Wim,

Welcome! I'm Bert and my family is from the Netherlands. As a matter of fact my father is leaving for Holland this Friday. Were are orginally from Breda, we moved to the USA back in 1982 when I was about 12 years old. I would love to have my father look you up while he is there. We have a stabilization business and might have a lot in common.

Bert Bakker
Dutchman Stabilizers, LLC
Mitchell, IN


Thanks for your welcome . So I live in Nijmegen. Do you still speak dutch as you were grown up as a youngster in NL.Do you have a website on your business ?
best regards

I can still speak dutch but my writing skills have since gone over the past 27 years. If you would like to meet with my father you can PM me your phone number and address and my father will be in contact with you while he is Holland.
Our website is currently being developed and will hopefully be up and running soon. I look forward to hearing from you!
