Hello from Columbus Ohio..Ghostmaker checking in!



Wow! What a nice forum!! I allready know where everything is and how to use it...I Love it! I want to introduce myself to those that don't know me here, My name is Brad Fairall and I am a Custom knifemaker of 18 years and counting.... I don't get much spare time, so most of my posts and threads will be in the makers galleries or for sale areas... Hope to see you there!

Brad Fairall
Thank you all, I am looking forward to spending some quality time here.

Thanks, I really feel like part of the pack! But, with me having 4 doberman pinchers! ... I really am part of a pack... lol ...Now 2 packs... no tresno tres
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Thats not far at all..I used to shop the antique shops in Delaware... I am meeting up with all kinds of central ohioans on here! 2thumbsno tres
2thumbsHey Trenton,

Yep I'm still hanging in there....great to here from you.