Hello everyone, my name is Beau, and I'm from central/northeast Ohio. I've enjoyed knives for many years, but as of recently I've gotten very interested in trying my hand a making my own knives. For the last week or so I've been researching everything I can find about knife making. I've already purchased a few books on the subject, as well as watched as many videos as I can find. I haven't yet started work on my first knife, but I plan to do so very very soon. At this moment I've already got a few tools to help me in the process. At this point I've acquired a band saw to aide in making my handle scales, as well as a belt grinder. Though it's only an 1x42 grinder it should suffice while I'm at the start of this hobby for me. I love working with my hands, and creating knives I believe will be very enjoyable, especially since I can design my own and use my imagination. I've already joined a few other forums, along with this one in hopes of learning everything I can from the pros.