Hawk with a temporary handle


Well-Known Member
32 oz ballpeen hammer heads must be approached with a certain..um....insanity, if one is foolish enough to tackle them by hand! I thought beating a 24oz head was punishment. HA! Anyways, enough of me grousing. Wife just tells me to man-up or buy a power hammer. So I sez "I can buy a power hammer?" She replies, "No, just man-up!" Then proceeds with the "Female Fun Limitation Factor" look. Here is the end result of me "maning up." The handle is only a temp for the photo. The owner want to make his own. The trouble with that is I never get to see the end result. Thanks for looking
eucalyptus knife 007.jpg
I feel your pain...litteraly!! I'm seriously concidering falling off the no electricity wagon!
Nice job, I know it's a ton of work.....
I tried this with a 16 oz. head and my arm was sore for two days. These days I make 'em with flat steel and a partial tang. Sure like to have that power hammer though! Maybe there is an orphan Little Giant out there somewhere looking for a home.
A great looking hawk :) . Yes it must be realy hard work to forg one of those.

"Ooooo I'm pounding my life away". Sorry different song. I thought you have a young son, shouldn't you be the one holding the stock as he strikes it????? Just kidding. The fruits of our work out weigh the pain, sweat and tears that go into it. Another fantastic job of hand forging, Troy. Keep on hammerin'. Wade
Thanks guys for your comments. They are so well received. I have tried to get my 9 year old to help me with these things but he says that he has to finish his own projects first! He has a 24 oz head he is pounding away on for his own hawk and is also working on a fire iron set for his Aunt! I still make him pay me to use my anvil:hammer:
I like it. One of these days I'd like to have one of those. Especially knowing how much work goes into one...makes it that much more special. Good job!
Here is my "10" year old helper working on his fire set(Dad is holding the steel for him off-camera. ) Today is his birthday!
Halloween 2011 002.jpg