Greetings fellow knifemakers and fans.

Greetings from Sanbornton N.H.! Bryan Custance is my name and I just joined knifedogs and am getting my bearings! Not used to these forums and not very good on the computer, I just make knives, so please bear with me in the beginning. What is this sites purpose? What are it's benefits.
to Have fun and sell knives , and learn . Benefits ??? some of the best makers around and, a great site to boot
welcome to KD, glad to have you here.
Excellent! I am having a hard time uploading photos of my most current knife, says it is too large but won't re-size like it said it would do automatically, any thoughts?
Hello and welcome to Knife Dogs!

Scroll down the the tutuorial section and see the thread about posting pictures - that should help.

Benefits? Probably too many to list but here are a few:

- World-wide exposure of your work.
- The opportunity to ask questions of some of the best knifemakers in the country.
- The sharing of information tools/techniques/material/ideas.
- For sale area to sell your wares.
- Be a part of something bigger than ourselves.
- Free.


Well said Bill,and Bubba.
Welcome to the pack.

If my pic is to big,I can right click on the pic,scroll down to where it says,''open with'',put your
pointer on that,and a new box will open.Click on ''paint''and a box will open in the upper left
of the screen.RT click on the word image,and click on ''Resize/Skew,a box will open,and just
reduce the Horizontal and Vertical %.When you close it out it will ask if you want to save.
Hope this helps.

God bless,Keith
Aloha, and the purpose for me has been to learn how to make knives under the tutelage of some of the nicest folks on the net!