forum software bug reports

BossDog & Owner
Staff member
I had to lock the other bug threads as it was impossible to tell old from new bug reports at this point.

We want this place as bug free and stable as possible.

If you have had an issue that is a bug in the last 7 days, post it here with as many details as you can manage. I will get a tech guy to look at it.
Tracey I think my problems have been solved. Changed browsers again to google chrome per Jat Mat's advice and every thing works for now.

Thanks Jim

The forum still kicks me off after a few minutes. If I open a link to another page or open a photo that opens in a new window, I have to log into that window to view it.
I don't log off. When I come back after a little while and click on "Quick Links" then "Tocay's Posts" when the page comes out I am out. After loging back in I go through that again so, I think, the program knows what I have already viewed.
After a lot of thought about getting droped some time after logging on, I wonder, "Does the software automatically log you off if there is a certain time period of no activity?" I have heard that not logging gives hackers an oportunity to steal your info. So this may be a built in security issue.
this software will boot you after xx minutes of inactivity. there is a clock that I can set. it will kick you automatically after 30 minutes. I'm not sure why that is a good idea but the programmers seem to think so.
This is the only knife forum I'm on that automatically kicks me off.

And, the "Remember Me" button that you check does not seem to work.