Etching Makers Mark issues


Well-Known Member
I built one of the AC/DC etchers everyone uses. I have the stencils from "that guy" a lot use. I even bought the fluids from IMG. I just cant get a good etch. I just found out the +/- were reversed on schematics and I corrected that. I tried CMP154 and 30SV and neither are cutting good but darken decent. Leaving a unacceptable mark. I never know which fluid to use, I tried them all it seems. I normally do 10 sec cut, turn it off and 10 sec cut again and turn it off.Then do the darken 10 sec. I tried to over cut the CMP154 with 30 sec and it still didnt make a very deep mark. Had to sand blade and do it again. Still didnt come out very good. Now I have to sand the 30SV blade to get ride of the mark and try again. HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP ! please:sad:

I built my etcher using Chris Crawfords tutorial. However for fluid I use water/vinegar/salt mix, to a cup and 1/2 of distilled water I add 1 teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of vinegar and I dont any trouble.
If by "that guy" you mean Ernie Grospitch, I will only use stencils from him. I had the same trouble you are having, called Ernie up and told him my process and what was happening, two days later I had a new set of stencils in the mail that work perfect.
If you bought your stencils from him I would suggest shooting him an email, he is a great guy and can no doubt help you out.
Yes it was Ernie. Couldnt remember his name. I bulit mine like Chris Crawfords also. Are you etching SS ? or tool ?
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I do 10--10sec cycles on etch then 5--10 msec cycles on mark,comes out good.On cmp154.
Maybe I am reading your original post wrong. How many 10 second cycles are you running on DC? It sounds like you are looking for a fully developed mark after 2-3 cycles and that isn't likely to happen unless you are running very high voltage...and then burning the stencil is likely.

It is not unusual for me to run 15-20 cycles of 10s on/20s off and for bigger marks I have done over 30. You need to move the etching pad around too as the metal will clog it up. It was very informative when I put a multimeter inline and watched the current. Each time I pressed down the current starts high and drops off very fast, so most of the marking is done early.
I was only doing a couple. SO I just need to do it more and lift the pad in between and move it around. What fluid are ya'll using ?

Im going to use SC-44 next time.

I am using Sc-44 but have gotten great results by putting a 1/4 tea into a 2-3 oz of water.
Like CDH said, You need to hold it down and move it around!

Take a Junker that has been harden, I know you have several!:biggrin: and work on it holding for at less a five count and moving for another until you get the deep cut you want with your etching rig!

After a while you will get a feel for your etch machine and etch-ant! on the steels you use.

I tried "junker" :biggrin: today and did 8- 10 sec cuts and 5 darkens. Checked it and it darkened fine but didnt cut worth poop !!! So I got out my etch-O-matic used 2 10 sec applications and the etch came out perfect !!! Something to do with my home made etcher ...its not cutting. Hmm

No significant crossover between the two. Cut first with DC, switch to AC and darken.

I use the tang of the blade for tests. It will be covered by handle material anyway, and you know it's the exact same material so it'll etch exactly the same.