This is something that has plagued knifemaking forever. Knives may be one of mankind’s oldest tools but it is also one of his most abused tools. Blatantly improper use goes beyond the simple inconvenience of having to repair or replace blades, it forces knifemakers to dumb down their products in order to safeguard against abuse. Imagine how fantastic we could make our knives in their specialized tasks if we knew they would be used properly for their intended use.
Like with almost everything, the answer is in education. Those of us who understand blades, their construction, properties and function, have a responsibility to educate the masses on their realistic use and not feed or encourage the problem. This is an even tougher job when our culture and media, from the big screen to the small one, is feeding them gross misinformation. We need to let all the new makers coming on the scene know that when they use cheesy marketing that promotes abuse, they may make a quick buck with their awful knives designed to do anything but cut, but they really hurt the entire craft in the long run.