Call out for Wildlife Photo's


Snapped this one of the extremely rare Nearsighted Wing Thrasher (tracicus micklioticus).
They usually only come out at night and are very cannibilistic, eating only the parts of other birds.
Apparently they are allergic to fresh water, drinking only some amber colored, brackish swill.

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Monster snake!

I photographed this monster last fall on the porch of my hunting camp. A friend of mine was there and walked out on the porch,saw this snake and came running back in the cabin screening like a little girl (he's 50 something years old). He cowered behind the screen door and watched me get down on my belly and in the face of this monster to get this photograph. The boards on the porch are 1"x6" so you can tell that this snake isn't much more than 12" long, a rat snake I thnk.
Mama and 2 fawns,in the front yard.Eating corn that had fallen from the squirrel feeder to the ground.

God bless


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On my way to the shop this morning, at the corner of the chicken house. He's a pen raised bird released on public land for the hunters. Hardly wild.



I was working on a knife and looked out and saw this hawk. He/She stayed long enough for me to go into the house and grab my camera. I slowly walked up on it and got as close as 8 feet.

Hawk 009.jpg
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Hawk 010.jpg
I got this one out my back door through the glass !!! .... nasty looking dude


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Here is a couple from my vacation in Newfoundland. These two were inn Grossmorne park

Puffin from Ellershouse
A couple of mine; I've posted them on the JD, too.

What is this thing? We have them around here, and they freak my kids out. I've never gotten to find out the details...

A large Mosquito with it's Winter furry coat growing in.


It's not a mosquito...It's called a Robber Fly - Other Common Name is Assassin Fly
They are predatory on a variety of other insects.
CAUTION! Large robber flies may bite if mishandled

Phylum Arthropoda - Arthropods
Class Insecta - Insects
Order Diptera - Flies
No Taxon Orthorrhapha
Superfamily Asiloidea
Family Asilidae - Robber Flies
Here's some photos that I took of a Robber Fly back in 2011.



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Ok, here's one I can contribute to :)
This is a shot I got at the Houston Zoo last year...


And here's the drawing my ridiculously talented niece did of it :)
