I started working on the handle scales, i picked out a nice piece of cherry, fired up the chain saw and shreaded up about 2 gallons of shavings!:oops::oops::oops:
Cherry shavings are good for smoking just about anything - it imparts a sweetish smoke - mix in some oak or apple and by golly ya got a BBQ!!!! Shavings will make an even lighter smoke - good for fish! - but knife handles? This I gotta see...
Cherry shavings are good for smoking just about anything - it imparts a sweetish smoke - mix in some oak or apple and by golly ya got a BBQ!!!! Shavings will make an even lighter smoke - good for fish! - but knife handles? This I gotta see...

I will probably mix in some pecan (for a lighter contrast and some walnut (darker contrast) should be pretty cool.

Of course, i could break out the construction paper to really freak you out.
Now we are coloring! Here is one of my paper handles. This is my camo pattern
So cool. Very creative sir. Thank you for sharing. The possibilities are really limited only by ones ability to imagine - or as someone (I believe Mr Wilson) posted earlier - ‘shamelessly borrow ideas”!
So cool. Very creative sir. Thank you for sharing. The possibilities are really limited only by ones ability to imagine - or as someone (I believe Mr Wilson) posted earlier - ‘shamelessly borrow ideas”!

You will know that you have"it" bad when you are sitting at breakfast looking at that plate of grits,eggs and bacon and thinking, "I can make a handle out of that"