I have had zero issues with true AEB-L down to .02" not sourced from BU/Buderus FWIW. (Cartech only uses Swedish iron). Also, AEB-L does not really benefit from cryo as much as it... Well honestly in my opinion from what I know, *should*, but Larrin's testing has proven that opinion to be incorrect however that was X65. (Which I'd gotta research its benefits on cryo to say anything, so I won't) The entire point to my posting here was to let you guys understand that who is said to distribute certain alloys, and what they list such as Chuck or jessica at AKS, they say they won't disclose where a mill is located. Why? Oh, yes. Money. Sorry. There are other companies that do the same, I was asked not to disclose them so I will not. I can say this. Crucible and Robert Zapp cross licensed "CPM" and "Z" to each other. That's what pisses me off about this. I don't expect to be paid, just don't lie to me, and make me go above your damn head to the president of crucible, eh? Honesty is my policy and whether you like what I have to say or not, you're going to hear it truthfully. Now am I saying that 1% sulfur is enough to create asperities -- NO. I know this. But lying about it...tsk tsk. Not in my world. Sorry. I suppose I should add that I heat treat with anti-scale on the metal which creates a positive pressure (if anyone knows of what exactly please let me know) in the packet of HT foil (309), and I wet the seams with it also. It's way excessive, yes, I know it has zero to do with warping, I'm just explaining my HT procedure for redundancy.
I would guess you are not using X65. If you don't mind me asking, where do you source your AEB-L? AKS?