ABS Board knife- dagger

That is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!!
I LOVE everything about it, truly amazing work! The handle on it is beautiful, the guard itself is incredible. amazing work all the way! Now if I just had enough time to save up a few pay checks and be able to bid on it...., THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!

BTW, could you elaborate some on how the handle work is done? Thanks Bud, Rex

...BTW, could you elaborate some on how the handle work is done? Thanks Bud, Rex

Sorry for the delay, I got very busy getting ready for the ABS Expo in San Antonio and just got back from there.

Rex, the handle is actually very traditional and you will see it on many blades from the period. It is hardwood that is carved into the spiral before being wrapped in iron wire. The Wire is two strands of twisted wire, one clockwise and the other counter-clockwise so that when they are laid side by side they create a chevron herringbone pattern. Originals often used several more strands because wire was difficult to drawn in such lengths back then, but I have the advantage of the modern convenience of long continuous wire. I have a special ratchet driven fixture that allows me to wrap the handle tightly, then the wire is worked down into the fluting underneath. The wire ends are not only pinned into the wood it is also tightly bound by the copper wire turks heads.
You do "Walk the Walk" Kevin!

Thank you Mark, this comment makes me feel very good because I spend so much time teaching and lecturing these days I sometimes wonder if I can still actually do the things I talk about. When I do finally get time to dive into a blade project it feels good to hear that I can still walk the walk.:3: