I agree. Just a simple message explaining what happened. However, I am hoping we get it going this year. Even if there's just a few of us. I have started making plans for what I'll build!!
I agree with Boss Dogs comment. I don't always clean them as quick as I should. The other reason is when pulling off the tape it pulls off some of the top layer and that has caused etching to happen where it's not supposed to. I think I could get more out of each if I took better clean up...
A couple weeks ago I posted my first multi part handle that didn't turn out well. I took everyone's suggestions and made another. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I used clay on the blade for a hamon, but I think it could have turned out better.
New Jersey Steel Baron has heat treat info on just about every type of steel. I would recommend researching their info on 1095. The only issue with treating multiple blades is it will overheat your quench oil if you only have 1 tank.
I recently switched to slow setting epoxy, not by choice but Combat Abrasives was out of fast, and I am really liking it much better. I don't feel as rushed and I'm not making as many mistakes!! Well, except for the one above. :D