Indian George - A little Help

Knowing you IG, I bet you stayed up most of the night studying for that test.

I pray your surgery goes better than the test.

Keep on keepin' on, IG. Your positive attitude and general zest for life will help keep you strong!
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George, you know I had four bypasses in October of 2008, so listen to the voice of experience. Don't push it after the surgery and for ONCE in your life do what you're told. That's an order!!! I was down for about three months, after ten days in the hospital, I was in a rehab facility for six weeks and had six weeks of home health care. Just cool it for a while. You'll have a really neat scar on your chest and if they do it the same way they did mine they'll lace your breast bone back together with wire and you can set off metal detectors at the airport. As shifty as you look they'll check you at airports anyway, but this way it's more fun. I'll be checking on you Cuz. If I can do anything, holler. Later
Surgery is re-scheduled for the 22cnd according to HT relish breath the last time I talked to him. Now if I've screwed this up it's because of you IG. I can't understand Massachusetts Portagee when you have a beer stuck in your pie hole. Hehehe By the way, chicks dig scars!!!!!!!!!!
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more Smoke goin' up for ya brother!
(probably not as much smoke as what's comin' out yer arse after all that ht relish though!)
Braveheart ain't got nuthin' on you!
"Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds. And if HE were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of heat-treat relish flames from his arse."
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smoke sent from Wisconny!! Hope all goes well buddy!!

Just don't let your surgeon have any relish before the surgery!!
I only know you from reading your posts, IG but something tells me that the nurses have more to worry about from you then you do from them! :les: Go easy on them sir... especially when they wake you up 2 & 3 times a night to take your temperature and blood pressure. :5: I'm not sure whether to direct my prayers to the guy upstairs for you or the nurses! :lol:
We be pulling for IG and I firmly believe he will pull through just fine. He's too onery to do otherwise. Best to you IG! Get well soon!
Damn! I admit, I haven't been around here much lately, and I find this.

IG, all the best to you from me & my Missus.
Hang in there, do what the Docs, and the Nurses, tell you to do, and don't overextend yourself.

Smoke & Prayers on the way.
IG, I'll be waiting to see you back posting. Best of luck ,thoughts and prayers for a fast and full recovery.

I am not that worried about. If it's my time so be it.:57: I just hope that I'll be with Helen if I bit the big one.:ridesafe::red_indian: