Work in progress


So I went to a friends shop yesterday and profiled a few blades. I’m going to send them to Paul Bos or Peter’s for heat treat. I can’t wait to get some stuff of my own set up. I have a grinder that I haven’t set up yet. We are getting ready for 2 weddings this year. One in June and the second in October. Once things settle down I will set up stuff and play. I also work out of town so I don’t get home much. Does anyone on here have experience with Paul Bos heat treat service.

There are some nice profiles there. Looking forward to seeing the progress on them. Keep us posted.
I like the 4th from the top. Great little design. You didn't mention the steel you used (or I missed it), but I believe Bos only does air quench steels (ie. stainless or tool steel)
I use Paul Bos and they are quite good. They do the heat treat/cryo and temper. You can request different hardness or just leave it to Paul (Farner). Their pricing is such that sending them 20 blades at a time is the best deal. I don't think they have any limits on steel types. I've sent them 1080 and 1095.

One gotcha on the new pricing, the steel you send should be all the same type. If you mix types the pricing changes and you lose the benefit of the 20 blades pricing.
The steel is 8670. I just bought a bunch of AEBL steel to profile a batch next time. I plan on sending 19 to maximize on the pricing.
AEBL is fine, just keep in mind that if you mix you don't get the price break. 19 is at the price break, 20 gets you the $5/blade. Don't forget to include the cost of shipping/handling both ways in your expense figures.

This is a "new thing" that they started last summer. It makes sense, as doing a bunch of AEBL and then mixing in a 1095 with an oil quench rather than the normal stainless process requires a different config and more work. I used to get away with sending in stainless and high carbon mixed batches and then it changed!
I did see that so that is why I bought so much AEBL. Next batch I may try something else. The 6 I just sent cost me $130ish. I just wanted to do some.