What to look for in a Toaster Oven for Kydex?


I'm interested in equipping my garage shop for some Kydex work. I doubt seriously this will ever be more than a hobby endeavor, but I would like to achieve professional-quality results and prefer to by quality tools that I can grow into rather than buying cheap and buying twice. If I purchase a toaster oven, are there certain features that would be worth paying a few dollars more for? e.g., is there a minimum internal size that would be useful? Any feedback would be sincerely appreciated.
Size: big enough to handle the largest piece of kydex you intend to use. About the only other requirement is something that will hold a fairly steady temp in the 300 to 375F range (I form my kydex at 350F) My kydex oven (toaster oven) came from the second hand store, for a whopping $10....and it's been in service for 10+ years. A toaster oven for kydex is not a very critical piece of equipment....put extra money into grinders, drill presses, or other machines where accuracy and longevity are desirable.

The only other thing that I can think to tell you is that for kydex, I removed the "rack" that came with the oven, and replaced it with a cookie sheet, which I trimmed to fit into the rack channels inside the oven...the flat surface versus a rack, makes it easier to remove hot kydex from the oven.
Thanks Keith! I had missed those; very helpful. The electric griddle is a new approach that I would not have thought of. I can imagine some advantages over the oven.