USPS Question

Daniel Macina

Well-Known Member
Does anybody know with all the Covid stuff if the USPS has to let your package sit for a certain period of time before Processing and shipping? I sent out four packages several days ago and they still haven’t even been scanned in.
Post office has been terribly slow for most of the last year. Even many priority packages are taking weeks.

So far everything gets delivered.....eventually.

Probably many layers to this "onion".
Thank you for the info gentlemen. I would’ve gone with a different carrier but out here in the country everyone else is even worse. We have a good post office I was just confused why they hadn’t gone out.
I had a 2 day priority package sit in a Jersey distribution center for nearly 3 weeks before it arrived. My understanding is it’s a combination of short staff and high demand.
I switched to using UPS awhile back because the post office drove over one of my packages (in their facility) with a fork truck. Then they refused to reimburse me.

It's easy to get a ups account and then you can print out your own labels. You can then do a drop off at a ups location or they will come and pick it up.
That's interesting.... I quit using UPS for a very similar reason. I purchased, and shipped TWO burgmaster OB drill presses via UPS. They both arrived literally destroyed beyond use. I had paid the additional $$$ for insurance, and was assured that IF anything happened to them, I would be fully reimbursed for the insured amount. NOT!! After 9+ months of trying, and several "claims" visits/inspections, it became painfully obvious that UPS directs a significant amount of resources & personnel into NOT paying claims. EVERY time you call about a claim, you have to start over, because they "lost" the information, and you NEVER speak to the same person/office twice. We went all the way to UPS Headquarters in Atlanta.... and took the 9+ months getting there.....and still never got a cent. $2,100 worth of useless drill presses destroyed, and they never paid a penny on them....for the over $135 in "insurance" that I paid for.

I suppose its all about experiences....mine with UPS have been horrible, while through all the years of using the Post Office/Priority Mail, I have had only 1 claim through USPS..... and that was taken care of within 5 days of making the claim.
That's interesting.... I quit using UPS for a very similar reason. I purchased, and shipped TWO burgmaster OB drill presses via UPS. They both arrived literally destroyed beyond use. I had paid the additional $$$ for insurance, and was assured that IF anything happened to them, I would be fully reimbursed for the insured amount. NOT!! After 9+ months of trying, and several "claims" visits/inspections, it became painfully obvious that UPS directs a significant amount of resources & personnel into NOT paying claims. EVERY time you call about a claim, you have to start over, because they "lost" the information, and you NEVER speak to the same person/office twice. We went all the way to UPS Headquarters in Atlanta.... and took the 9+ months getting there.....and still never got a cent. $2,100 worth of useless drill presses destroyed, and they never paid a penny on them....for the over $135 in "insurance" that I paid for.

I suppose its all about experiences....mine with UPS have been horrible, while through all the years of using the Post Office/Priority Mail, I have had only 1 claim through USPS..... and that was taken care of within 5 days of making the claim.

Ha, typical bs no matter if corporate or govt. That sounds like a real PITA.
Thanks for the heads-up Daniel, I'm a patient guy.
I heard another reason for the post Christmas backup is that a lot of online sellers (Amazon, etc) are offering longer free return periods, thus increasing the shipping traffic.
Like Gilda Radner said, "It's always something"
Unfortunately, there seems to be little rhyme or reason to the service. t took 3 weeks to get a flat rate box that my brother send from MI right before Christmas. I've recently gotten a couple flat rate packages that family sent from Chicago, IL to Portland, OR in 3 days, last week I got a box of stabilized blocks from K&G in AZ in 5 days, and today I got delivery of an order placed last Wed from Supergrit in FL. So my overall experience with the USPS these past few months hasn't been too bad.
Thanks for the heads-up Daniel, I'm a patient guy.
I heard another reason for the post Christmas backup is that a lot of online sellers (Amazon, etc) are offering longer free return periods, thus increasing the shipping traffic.
Like Gilda Radner said, "It's always something"
If it hasn’t moved within the next day or two I’ll go in and see what’s up. I’m very sorry. putting together pictures right now so there will be pictures tonight.
That's interesting.... I quit using UPS for a very similar reason. I purchased, and shipped TWO burgmaster OB drill presses via UPS. They both arrived literally destroyed beyond use. I had paid the additional $$$ for insurance, and was assured that IF anything happened to them, I would be fully reimbursed for the insured amount. NOT!! After 9+ months of trying, and several "claims" visits/inspections, it became painfully obvious that UPS directs a significant amount of resources & personnel into NOT paying claims. EVERY time you call about a claim, you have to start over, because they "lost" the information, and you NEVER speak to the same person/office twice. We went all the way to UPS Headquarters in Atlanta.... and took the 9+ months getting there.....and still never got a cent. $2,100 worth of useless drill presses destroyed, and they never paid a penny on them....for the over $135 in "insurance" that I paid for.

I suppose its all about experiences....mine with UPS have been horrible, while through all the years of using the Post Office/Priority Mail, I have had only 1 claim through USPS..... and that was taken care of within 5 days of making the claim.
UPS out in my neck of the woods is absolutely horrible. Our current guy will literally just chunk packages out his window in your general direction.
UPS out in my neck of the woods is absolutely horrible. Our current guy will literally just chunk packages out his window in your general direction.
I think one thing that UPS move people around so much, that you never get to know the drivers. The longest I can ever remember one driving the route I'm on, was about 4 months. I got to know the guy fairly well, but when a new driver showed up, I ask him where XXXX had gone, that he didn't even know the name. I thought that was kinda odd, especially in a smaller community like Great Falls, Montana.
have to agree with Ed. For several years I had a great driver. Even went so far as to walk a package in 200 yards to house, in snow, when I had gate closed. Since the its hit or miss. I can understand leaving a package at gate when its closed but when they attach it to an open gate it gets dumb. I understand social distancing but 200 yards is ridiculous.
UPS used to have assigned routes. I had the same driver at home and then another same driver at work for years. I don't really pay attention now. Seems a shame.

But between a package getting trashed and several really bad experiences with our local post office I can't stand usps.
We seem to do OK with both the Post Office and UPS in our area. I ordered some 52100 last week from BossDog. It was originally scheduled for last Friday delivery. It came today. Not too bad.

I think the other thing is they are giving priority to medical supplies. My wife still needs quite a few medical supplies and they always arrive promptly. Sometimes even early.

Fed-Ex is probably the least reliable service in our area. We don't use them very often though. So that could have changed recently.
Shipping is nuts for all services. My wife works for Fed Ex ground/home. They have been hitting holiday levels since March.

I use USPS priority flat rate, so far, my longest package was like 4 days all fall so far. It seems to depend on your local hub.
I ordered some Custom scales 2 weeks before Christmas. Last I knew 4 days ago they were still sitting in PA. Oh they were ordered from someone in PA!
I think one thing that UPS move people around so much, that you never get to know the drivers. The longest I can ever remember one driving the route I'm on, was about 4 months. I got to know the guy fairly well, but when a new driver showed up, I ask him where XXXX had gone, that he didn't even know the name. I thought that was kinda odd, especially in a smaller community like Great Falls, Montana.
We had the friendliest UPS driver for a few years. Super nice guy and you could always have a good conversation with him. He finally retired though. Still run into him around town every now and then and we shoot the breeze