Unusual request

J S Machine

Well-Known Member
I saw a thing yesterday in the latest edition of the NRA magazine where a charity knife built by Jerry Fisk had a damascus blade forged from steel from one of the twin towers and also the USS Cole. The knife brought more than $25k at auction.

I would really like to do a charity knife myself. I don't want to copy his idea though. -I don't know if it would be considered as such, or if it would even be possible to obtain any of this steel. I'd imagine you have to have some connections.

I do a knife every year for St Jude Children's hospital, and I would really like to use some of this. Can you imagine what this could do for St Jude?

I looked on Blade forums and he is a member there, but his last activity was in 2010.
Go on line with his name. There you can get his contact. I do believe, though that a lot of the money raised was due to the fact he made it. Frank
He did reply to an email I sent. He said that he got the material from the tower from a ladder comapny with FDNY. He did nort specify which and also said that he did not have any more.

I don't have any contacts with FDNY, especially any that might now where I could find some of this stuff.
I might be thinking out side the box but did you ever think of trying to incorporate some old hospital equipment, braces, etc into a knife? Something with a direct connection to the hospital might be a good selling point.

Charity work is funny Jerry Fisk could do another knife exactly the same tomorrow and it could fetch double that amount or half you never know. I hope it works out for you, cool thing to do for the hospital.
I think Brad has the right idea to use some metal related to the hospital.
St. Jude is about Life, Hope and helping children right!

I would look towards doing something there instead of the tragedy of 9-11.

Contact some of the suppliers of the Hospital that make artificial joints, implants or other suited metals.

People give big because you have touched there heart or they have other motivation's that are related to the cause.


I would have bid on his knife because it was beautiful and by a great maker, with great materials


GOOD marketing
The NRA has some really effective workers and a large customer base.

The inclusion of some mild steel into damascus because it came from the towers is actually silly in my perspective.
It won't help the knife performance at all.

If you made the exact same knife and did that locally, I think you would do well to get 10% of that $25,000

I don't think those metals are they key, I think it's the national audience.

If you can get something from the original structure, or a titanium hip joint for guards or something like that.

Document the process and work with the hospital fund-raising marketing committee.
Let them spread the word through their own advertising.

Perhaps they don't want a knife.
Show them what you have done, what you can do and ask what they would like.
Even the Wounded Warriors refused knife and gun based fund-raising.

Check out your tax laws too.
In Canada we cannot get tax deductible credit for donated items, only cash.
Ie you would have to handle the sale yourself and donate cash, not the knife to get that receipt.
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