Two questions for Christmas Eve


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever heard of Wych Elm or sometimes called Scottish Elm and the Burl that comes from this tree? Knife handles?

As I don't get very much scale, if any at all, when I heat treat Stainless Steel (AEBL or CPM-154) what would be wrong with hand sanding down to about say 400 grit before heat treating? or is this one of the secrets you guys have been keeping from me for the last 3 years :biggrin:.

Merry Christmas to all you guys!

Wallace, I 'm not familiar with the elms, but I use CPM-154 a lot. when I heat treat I go to 320 or 400, when they come out I usually go back to 320, then 400 for a satin finish or keep going higher to set it up for buffing to mirror. I've also gone to coating the blades with talc to prevent the foil from sticking to them.