Tried a "Nessmuk-ish" knife...


I tried out the whole "nessmuk" style, let me know what you guys think.
Still needs a bit of polishing work, but I am really starting to like the look of some of the scale/hammer marks on the blade.

DSCN4173 (800x600).jpg
The general design of the blade looks good. I would recommend that you work the heck out of the knife and see how that high handle works. Unfortunately I do not share you enthusiasm for a forge finish. To my experience few makers are capable of using one without making the knife look unfinished, but it's your knife.

I was watching a movie called Guardians of the Galaxy last night. At the the end, one of the main characters is cleaning his knife and it has that hammer forged look. I like it. Looks great. I have yet to do one for myself but I will eventually get around to doing it. I always flat grind and out of habit I have gone too​ hi to the blade before I remember I was going to try the forged look. I need to work on that cruise control and remember to slow down. Haha

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