The Texas Knifemakers' Guild will have its annual meeting on Sunday, April 10, 9:15 a.m. at Market Hall in Dallas, 2200 Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75207. This meeting will be open to all TKG members, interested parties, and members of the public. The meeting will be in the east end of the north hall. This location and time has been approved by the Dallas Arms Collectors, our hosts for the Lone Star Knife Expo. The published agenda items are as follows:
Open meeting agenda
1. Welcome, intro of officers and board, brief purpose of the guild
2. Membership report- how many current members, and at what levels.
3. Other membership issues- briefly cover the membership levels as discussed in the regional meetings.
4. Financial report- report on 501c3 status, financial statement
5. Event reports- Baird, Travis P, regional meetings.
6. Upcoming events- sell the vision for more regional events. Mention the potential show in October/Lubbock, the ABS hammer in April 16/17, and the Tarleton State workshop.
Jason Fry
President, Texas Knifemakers' Guild
Open meeting agenda
1. Welcome, intro of officers and board, brief purpose of the guild
2. Membership report- how many current members, and at what levels.
3. Other membership issues- briefly cover the membership levels as discussed in the regional meetings.
4. Financial report- report on 501c3 status, financial statement
5. Event reports- Baird, Travis P, regional meetings.
6. Upcoming events- sell the vision for more regional events. Mention the potential show in October/Lubbock, the ABS hammer in April 16/17, and the Tarleton State workshop.
Jason Fry
President, Texas Knifemakers' Guild