Third forged knife

Gene Kimmi

I've made 20 some stock removal knives since I started this last November and decided to try my hand at forging. The first 2 I forged are out of 5160 and in the grinding process now.
For the 3rd one I wanted to try some damascus. I used 1084 and 15N20. I got to 34 layers and decided to try twisting it. Here it is after 6 twists.
2017-03-05 21.31.33.jpg

After hammering it to shape, I started cleaning it up and just had to etch it to see what it looked like.
2017-03-06 22.44.51.jpg2017-03-06 22.45.01.jpg2017-03-06 22.45.19.jpg

It's not perfect, but I'm pleased with it so far. I definitely need more practice with the hammer. I'm thinking of using some cherry I have with a lot of mineral streak in it for the scales. Thoughts and opinions?
2017-03-06 22.53.35.jpg


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Wow 20 knives in only a couple of months! It looks like your off to a good start. I like the low layer damascus.
That pattern is beautiful! The wood you are thinking about? Looks like a very nice match for that pattern. That knife will be a real beaut!

Just a thought....if you spun that handle piece as it sits in the pic 180 degrees those mineral marks will match the direction of the pattern marks...don't know if it would look better or not?
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Im Blown Away! I'm not sure if it's the fact you started last November or if this is truly your first attempt at making damascus!
I hope I'm mistaken, in the Damascus making, because you totally nailed it! And I personanly prefer lower count damascus, myself!
I think the pattern comes out a little bolder and you don't get lost in the maze, of course I do like other patterns, and for some,
a higher layer count is necessary, but for your first try at it, you knocked it out of the park!
You're doing AWESOME!!!! BUT! Don't think its always as easy as you're making it look! There is always a new way to challehge yourself,
say with maybe a hidden tang with a guard! Now if you do that and make it look easy as well, please don't show me, that's one I've faied at
around $120.00 times, I like stainless and I've bought loads of 309SS and 416SS, I still have quite a bit of the 416, just don't have any pin stock,
I seriously need to get some matching pin stock! Anyway, as I like to say yoiu gotta keep on keeping on! You're doing it RIGHT!
Thanks everyone. I appreciate the comments and feedback.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll play around with the layout on the handle pieces to get the best look. I have quite a few pieces of that cherry that I think just begs for a damascus blade.

I owe a lot of credit to those on this forum and others who have been willing to share their knowledge freely with those of us starting out in knife making. I don't post a lot but I have definitely been doing a lot of reading and learning from those with experience.
I have to admit, that is my second piece of damascus, just the first that was intended for a blade. The first I used 4 pieces of 1084 and 3 old utility knife blades to see if I could make them weld. It had some flaws but turned out better that I had hoped, so I had to make something out of it.
2017-03-11 15.49.26.jpg2017-03-11 15.51.29.jpg

It's funny you mention a hidden tang. I had a piece of that twist damascus left over, so yesterday I hammered out a little 3"-4" hidden tang blade. We'll see how it turns out in a few weeks. I have a few more in front of it to finish first.
Here's a couple pictures of the finished product.

Third forged knife,..........................WOW!! Awesome, not only the fact that it is only your third forged knife but the fact that it is a Damascus pattern! You are a natural!! Great work!
I agree with everyone above. For a third forged knife and first Damascus knife - you did fantastic. Keep up the good work.
