The knife making bug bit me!


I started putting this shop together 6 weeks ago. It started as a bare shed, I ran the electric, insulated, and put the osb up. My plan is to put a/c and heat in it. There is still plenty more I need, but I got the basics. I started making my first knife this weekend. Here's some pics.

Yes, a Grizzly

Still need to organize the tools

The other end. Not sure what I'm putting there, besides a window.

My poartaband.

Exhaust fan.

Here is the knife. It's not much, but it's my first knife. It's 1084 and I'm going to try heat treating it myself. See any thing I should do before heat treating?

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Looks good to me as a first knife. Make sure the ricaso area is flat and parallel.

The shed is a great idea. I work on my back porch. Are you planning some storage cabinets? What size is the shed?
Welcome to the pack here at KD's
I like the hobbit sized workshop! I was in a one car garage for over 13 years. before than a balcony for a few months! lol

As far as the knife goes I would sand it all down to at least 220 grit. if you have deep scratches in steel before you heat treat, it can make stress risers and crack the steel during the quench.

keep us posted and enjoy your home shop.

laurence hit that on the head, i just had a stress crack that i did not even catch for 3 months after i finished the knife. Talk about peeved:(
and counter sink bolt holes had one there once also. looks really good keep going brother that bug looks like its deep lol
that is a really cool mini shop! Just wear a respirator in closed areas. Get the clock out of there you dont want to know that you have been working for 5 hours when it feels like 15 min haha.