Tennessee Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Moving - CALL or EMAIL TODAY!


Well-Known Member
Tennessee Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill
Voted Out of Judiciary Committee
Call or Email Your Senator TODAY!

By a vote of 6-1 with 1 abstention, SB1771 was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and passed along to the Calendar Committee. SB1771 would repeal the antiquated ban on switchblade (automatic) knives and possession of knives over four inches in length "with intent to go armed," a vague law subject to abuse.

Sen. Mike Bell, SB171 sponsor, expects the floor vote to to be held next week, possibly as soon as Monday. If you live, work or travel in Tennessee, please contact your Senator and ask them to support SB1771. You can find your Tennessee state legislators here: [url]http://www.capitol.tn.gov/legislators/[/URL]

Whether writing or calling, all that is necessary is to simply ask your Senator to vote in favor of SB1771. Keep it short and to the point.