Starting as knifemaker (Fulltime)

Nice batch of knives! I wish you luck on going full time. I retire in 3 to 5 years and Thats my plan as well. Keep those pics coming!
If All will go ok ( with getting Green Card) in 2016 I'll go to the US Army for 3 years.
Then will be small break in knifemaking for me or going to part time, and then only I will making folder knives.
By the way, what do you people think about my knives?

What things can be better and what things to erase from knives ?
I like the more tactical looking ones you've posted. I've got huge hand compared to most people, so the really small handled ones aren't my style, but they look good. But, I've got to ask, what's the notch for in the top of that one blade? I made a notch in one of my one time like that, but it wasn't on purpose.:biggrin:
What do you think about this one :) ?

OAL: 266mm
Blade: 130mm
Bevel Height: 20mm
Handle: 125mm
STEEL: Bohler N690 4,5mm - ~59-60HRC (Not Cryo)
Scales: G10 black 6,5mm Textured , mounted with M5 Torx Sec T25 screws.
