
How does manual account approval help combat them? Just curious!

All the spam registrations are from free email accounts and mostly random numbers and letters for user names and email addresses. Those will get denied. We couldn't get a good list of all the free email places so many just kept getting by using a different free email adress.
I spent some time under the hood this morning to try and keep the spammers out.

All free email accounts will require the applicant to send us an email requesting be added.
All email accounts not in the "free" email filter will still need to be manually activated.

A couple "human verification" questions are now mandatory.

We do have several hundred that are in the database waiting to be activated. Manually searching for them and filtering them out in advance is impossible. As they are activated and post spam, we will ban them.

We are working on it.

Thanks guys..
I would not worry too much Boss. Every online forum has spam problems, we are holding our own.

The real question is who in their right mind would ever give one of these guys their credit info? I could not think of a better way to get scammed unless it involved a Nigerian prince or something
Hi everybody,

I'll install a few filters to prevent spam and these will help a lot.


Thanks Claudio..

everyone, meet Claudio, he is our (new) crack vbulletin support guy based in Argentina..
Thanks Claudio..

everyone, meet Claudio, he is our (new) crack vbulletin support guy based in Argentina..

Thanks for introduce me Tracy,

I've installed a filter to prevent any registration made in less than 15 seconds (because bots complete all the required fields in less than 1 second) and another filter which checks if the username, email or IP is registered on Akismet and StopForumSpam databases. If it gets a positive result, the bot will be blocked.

These filters avoid 99% of the Spam and they work great on another forums I manage.
There are two add on's in place. One is bouncing away 99% of the spam bots. The other add on actually checks every post and any posts from users with less than 10 messages gets checked. It verifies the post and poster several ways and deletes any spam postings that actually make it.
This has been a huge improvement.