Obviously, I'm SUPER skeptical and I find this concept ridiculous, to put it as politely as I can.
But I do enjoy a spirited debate at times, so sarcasm aside.........a couple serious questions:
Lets say that I can see a scenario where people you know, business partners or those in your field may think its cool to have knives made from your ,shall we say, byproducts. Why knives? Why not a rose blossom or paperweight or something decorative? Knives are fundamentally performance driven tools and this is so counter-intuitive to quality knives. Letter openers, perhaps.
Secondly, if one insists on knives, how does this scenario help turn scraps into, if not profit, at least supplemental cost recovery? Who's going to manufacture these products? You? A knifemaker? Certainly anyone commissioned to do this would need to be compensated for their time. Knowing what I do about the Knife making process, I can't see an end game that doesn't put you further in the hole.
Then you mentioned (I think) gifts? Giving these products away further puts you in the hole.
Seems like a broom, dustpan and a hefty bag is a far more financially sound investment plan.