Smallshop update (ted Hauser)


Hi all,
Got a couple inquires as to how I'm doing so thought i'd post an update.

I am recovering slowly (as the docs said I would) I started cardio Rehab a week ago 3x aweek (mon,wed,fri) and it is an hour of light exercise that wipes me out the next day. It feels good to be doing it and I see tiny improvements each time.

The sternum is sore but not as bad as my back from the lung surgery...that entire area from the incision up to my shoulder is non stop pain. The doc said it should be better in a

Still on a bunch of meds...the Lasix 2x a day makes my BP dangerously low...the Cardio Rehab guys made me call to heart doc to do something so he took me off the Lasix for a few days...which makes the fluid build up not good. gained 4lbs of fluid in 2 day and it is becoming difficult breathing. I had my 02 setting at 1 litre which is nice and low. Today I had to turn it up to 2 litres because my 02 was dropping into the low 80s...should be about 95. So the balancing act of recovery continues and is at times depressing...but I am recovering.

I hope all of you are doing well and making some good stuff. I have made it down to my office a few times and penciling out some new designs...about all I can do right now.
Ted, Glad to hear things are doing ok, considering. Hang in there my Friend, we need you around here. AND your family needs you around for many years to come.
Ken...In beginning of Nov I had lung surgery to scrape a lung from pneumonia. About half my right lung is now non-op and will most likely not recover. I almost immediately started to retain fluid terribly. After two weeks at home I was rushed in for heart failure...right side 90 percent blocked...left side 70 percent blocked. A stent in the right side and a quad bypass on the left. Then a whole bunch of complications. I was in the hospital 18 days for pneumonia and then 34 days with the heart stuff...most of it in ICU with about 3 near misses. It's good to be home!

2020 started with a!
Nice to hear from you. Thanks for the update. Take it slow. I’m sure that it is rough going as you heal , so enjoy moments and your family.
Hi Ted, it's good to hear from you.
Like the others that commented, I am happy to hear that you are in process of healing. I wish you a speedy recovery and am praying for you.