small hunter / boss dogs g-10 liners

Sweet im in, tell me when the casting call comes in. That would be a great show, I say film at tracys
Nice JOB!!!
As far as the front of the scales, it's different, to me it's not so much a flow thing it sorta fits, I have to admit, I didn't see it until Ausbrooks pointed it out, so my eye wasn't drawn to it, I guess it was the G-10 liners and how fast you got a knife made with them on it!!! I'm still trying to get the wife to decide on a blade style since I picked out pink for her....I knew I should have gotten blue for me!!!

I'm always having difficulties choosing the way I shape that part of the scales on full tangs, I go through several drawings, sometimes I make up 1 side with scrap wood to see how it would look, in the end I usually go with the same thing I've used on just about all of them, basically rounded with it slanted toward the butt. I hate them all being the same, but it seems to just feel right, ya now?
Keep it up Franklin, you're doing great, Rex
Rex the great thing for me is i dont really build to sell. I build to build and if it sells great if not i give it away most of the time.
So unless someone wants to buy and gives me a ideal what they want, i just do what i want. And my wifes allready got hers so i feel for you, my wife was all over me about every little detail. And now she will barely look at one go figure lol. So if it flips my lid i just make it.