Slight injury, but a reminder

opaul, can't answer for others but I put as much tension as my spring allows. However I don't think it is tension that causes one to break. It is a flaw in a new belt and a compromised area in an older belt. I guarantee when I hear any change I start to back off and I hit the kill switch from the side instead while I am standing behind the grinder. Like Bladegrinder I have almost always heard a change. The one new one that blew was only on the machine for about a minute. I guarantee when one blows, she will get your attention! Oh and the new one the belt that blew, I could never visibly see what caused it too fail!!
The Wilton Square Wheel machine doesn't use a spring for tension, so some times you have a choice to run it a little loose and put up with poor tracking or go up one click...which sometimes makes it too tight.
mine always started with a tick........tick........tick then it speeds up to tick,tick, tic........BOOM!
it almost sounds like a gun going off, it'll get your attention!
That old Square Wheel grinder doesn't have variable speed either, it's damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead, screaming fast.
I rarely use it anymore.
speaking of belts snapping, it would be interesting to see one fly on Forged In Fire, that would get some cheeto eaters jumping out of their recliners!:p
I’ve havent had a belt break yet! Which prompts me to ask this question - how tight do you run your belts? I just snug mine and really don’t put a lot of pressure on them.
With new quality belts , the only way I’ve had them break is when I’ve bent them waaay ovvvveer one side or the other on a slack belt.. Ceramic belts in work best with pressure !