Scalloped Bolster Inlays

Steven Janik

Scalloped Bolster Inlays part 1

This may be old hat for some but it is a great way to use a contrasting bolster that is thinner than your scale stock without just using a pile of spacers.

pic #1 shows the finished product.

pic #2 shows the two scales taped together. I put a 1/4" block between them on this set because the carbon is thin and it's just easier to hold on to.

pic #3 shows the stock being plunged into the oscillating spindle sander. This can also be done with a drum sander in your drill press or on the 1" wheel of your grinder. I just like this little oscillator for this kind of task. You flip the piece over and do alternating ends and I add the laminate counter top sample as .040 spacers but you can also move your fence as you progress. You must be slow and careful because by pushing stock between a rotary tool and a fence you could create a jamb and a flying projectile.
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Scalloped Bolster Inlays part 2

pic #1 and #2 show the scales ground to a thickness to accept the bolster inlay.

pic #3 and #4 show the sanding and hand fitting of the inlay.

pic #5 is the glued and sanded inlay.
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Scalloped Bolster Inlays part 3

pic #1 shows all parts, including spacers and blade set up in my drilling fixture.

pic #2 is on the drill press.

pic #3 shows the freshly drilled holes with no "breakouts".

pic #4 is the front end of scales which must be shaped and polished before it all goes together,

pic #5 is more finished goods.

Sorry the pics are not larger but I followed the instructions and it works on the first one and then I lose my post when I try the second one.

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I'm not sure I was very clear, but I set up the fence to just touch the scale at the start then add the laminate spacers (pic #3 part 1) to move the scale off the fence and make a .040 cut (which is the thickness of the laminate sample). I subtract the thickness of the inlay from the thickness of the scale and I know how much to take out to get close. I usually leave the bolster stick out a little and sand it flat after its glued. You can also just move your fence after every pass on both pieces.

thanks, Steve
Looks awesome.
Im not ready to tackle this yet but its great to see how its done.
The knife looks killer.2thumbs
Hi Steve, if you find them, it might be worth starting to use a photobucket account. I have hundreds of photos in mine and still not full!
Scalloped Bolsters

I dug up the pix. This set was called Stoneage meets Spaceage and I used mammoth tooth and carbon fiber and red brick spacers.


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last 5 scalloped bolster pix.


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