Safety reminder


Well-Known Member
For those of you who use the excellant tip of placing a furnace filter covered box fan to catch dust behind your grinder... please remember that the filter is paper and the sparks are hot! (Ya, ya, I found out the hard way) No real damage done, but the scary part is that the filter didn't start burning until after I had turned it and the grinder off and walked away.

Be Safe.
My grinder tends to throw sparks down not back, but I had the same issue not long ago. There was enough fine steel dust on the filter that it caught a few sparks and suddenly I had what someone called "a homemade infrared heater" :D

Since then I vacuum off the filter at the end of every session, as well the whole area behind/under/around the grinder. Steel and wood dust can get started real quick.

For goodness sakes don't allow steel and aluminum grindings to mix under any circumstances!